Healthy Go Green Breakfast Smoothie

I would like to preface this post with the following: No, NutriBullet isn’t paying me to endorse their product, but YES they SHOULD because I LOVE it and can no longer live without it.

My schedule has been so crazy lately! If this is what the real world looks like, I may just have to go get that PhD after all… (just kidding Mom and Dad, I know I’m getting kicked off the payroll the minute I cross the stage and get my masters in 2014!) Anyways, this whole “lack of free time” thing is proving to be quite the inconvenience, especially when it comes to eating (aka my top priority in life). I never was a breakfast person simply because I didn’t have time for it. As a result, I’d snack all day or eat big meals for lunch and dinner – a dieting no-no.

So when my friend Rachel introduced me to her smoothie-making-miracle-machine, The NutriBullet, my life changed for the better. Now, I recognize it looks like one of those gimmicky infomercials, but I swear this is the best piece of machinery in my kitchen! Every morning I toss some ingredients into the cup, twist on the blade, and 30 seconds later – Look, breakfast! Add a straw, because I’m a child and straws are fun, and I’m right out the door.

It’s healthy. It’s good for you. It fills you up. But the best part: IT ACTUALLY TASTES REALLY REALLY GOOD. Go figure.

Go Green Breakfast Smoothie: Makes 1 amaz-za-zing smoothie


  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 5 strawberries
  • 1 handful of blueberries
  • 1 large banana
  • 1 scoop protein powder of choice (Note: I use vanilla protein powder which adds a nice flavor to it. If you don’t want to use protein powder, vanilla almond milk is a great way to get that same flavor!)
  • 1 tablespoon of black chia seeds
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax seed
  • 1 cup of almond milk


  • Wash spinach, strawberries, and blueberries.
  • Cut off stems from strawberries.
  • Add spinach, strawberries, blueberries, banana, protein powder, chia
  • seeds, flax seeds, and almond milk to blender.
  • Blend away!
  • If your smoothie is too thick, simply add more almond milk.
  • Pour into a glass and enjoy!

You obviously don’t need a NutriBullet to make this breakfast smoothie, so you have no excuse – go give it a try!! I highly highly highly recommend giving this a try if you’re constantly on the go! Happy eating, everyone! PS: The next recipe I’m going to post is a sinfully delicious cookie recipe, so brace yourself by eating healthy for a few days… It’s all about balance, right?


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